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Barrier Birth Control for Women


Mechanical Engineering

Materials Engineering

DFM/Design for Automation

Supply Chain and Manufacturing Transfer


PATH - Programs for Appropriate Technologies in Health


Women in low resource settings often to do not have access to contraception options that they can control that both preventing the transmission of STDs and are an effective means of birth control.   Due to the requirements for the device to be mass produced and distributed in low-resource settings, every assembly step had to be scrutinized to reduce cost and waste of materials. 3rd Stone Design Inc. developed a manufacturing plan, detailing the full cost of materials and production stages. Further steps were then taken to mechanize key assembly points in prototype production so that the quality of devices used in clinical trials could remain consistent, while modeling steps toward full automation. We designed and built aspects of the assembly and testing stations as part of this effort. These stations were ultimately transferred to an in-country manufacturing company that now makes the Woman's Condom product and distributes it in Asia. 

3rd Stone Design @2022
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