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3rd Stone Design and COVID-19

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Designated Essential Business

3rd Stone Design and our subsidiary company, Hadleigh Health Technologies, are Essential Businesses as defined by the CDC and the State of California, because we design, manufacture, and supply medical products. 


We have continued to operate our office in person with all the necessary COVID-19 modifications to ensure a safe workplace.  Our team is diligently working to design, prototype, build and ship high quality medical devices that save lives throughout the globe.  

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Medical Products to Combat COVID-19

Many of our products directly contribute to the fight against COVID-19 

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Current last-mile vaccine delivery technologies rely on unreliable ice-based cooling, which result in hundreds of millions of dollars of wasted goods annually. With humanity on the cusp of needing to deliver billions of doses of vaccines to fight COVID-19, we cannot continue to tolerate this massive waste. 


 Stone Cold Systems enables reliable cold transport and storage where electric infrastructure is off-grid, intermittent or destroyed. SCS does this by combining state of the art communications technologies with proven thermal electric cooling powered by lithium-ion batteries and controlled by proprietary hybrid charging algorithms. In short, SCS is the modern solution that will bring last mile vaccine delivery into the 21st century. 

Supplying Medical Equipment to our Partner Hospitals in Africa as part of the NEST360 Project: 

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We are helping to navigate unprecedented supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19 by assisting hospitals in Kenya and Malawi with the crucial medical equipment they need to save lives threatened by COVID -19. This equipment includes Oxygen Concentrators, Pulse Oximeters, Infrared Thermometers, and Suction Machines.   




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The Pumani CPAP provides respiratory support to pediatric patients, including newborns, in their first weeks of life.  It delivers a blended flow of oxygen and ambient air to infants in respiratory distress at the same therapeutic pressure as CPAP systems in the United States for 1/15th the cost. With over 1000 units in 35 countries, the Pumani CPAP has tripled the survival rate of babies with respiratory distress syndrome, and was recently recognized by the Million Lives Club for its impact in improving the lives of those living on less than $5 a day.   


3rd Stone Design @2022
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